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- Radio Washington | Korean Radio
Programs Morning News Anchor: Younhwa Kang LALA Land Host: Eunkyung Song Washington Invitation Anchor: Younhwa Kang
- 1310 Show | Radio Washington
LaLa Land A music show hosted by a comedian, featuring lively and entertaining commentary, offering a variety of content throughout the week, including lifestyle tips, politics, culture, health, and more. NOW AVAILABLE ON
- ABOUT US | Radio Washington
Younhwa Kang Announcer & Anchor at K-Radio D.C Soyeon Kim Reporter at K-Radio D.C. Producer & Reporter at K-Radio D.C. Helen An
- 1310 Show | Radio Washington
Washington invitation A talk show that shares stories and information about the world we live in and our everyday lives. The program invites guests from various fields to share their life stories and experiences, while also featuring experts who provide valuable insights and updates in their respective areas. NOW AVAILABLE ON
- Janet Yi | Radio Washington
Janet (Yunjoo) Yi, Host & MC Ms. Yi's show is a fun lighthearted segment about women making fun of their daily lives. Her programs wakes everyone up from a drowsy 2 p.m. with stories that all the ladies of Washington can relate to. Have a great afternoon with Ms. Lee's popping voice and exciting music.
- Younhwa Kang | Radio Washington
Younhwa Kang, Announcer & Anchor Programs: News Yeonhwa Kang strives to be an announcer who relays the truth of life with a warm heart and an anchor who delivers the news of the world with a fair conscience. Announcer Kang is has led teams in charge of airline crew and broadcasting, and later dedicated herself to news as a TV station anchor. Currently, she is happy to greet all Radio Washington listeners and hope to reassure them with her professional but gentle voice. Ms. Kang believes its important to tell the stories of our lives and the stories of the world that are given life and relevancy through broadcast.
- Washington Outlook | Radio Washington
About This Program The Washington Outlook is a current affairs talk show program that examines major global issues and trends seen in the United States. Yongyil Kim, a commentator with 38 years of experience, points out the background and direction behind current issues such as security, economy, diplomacy, and military affairs. NOW AVAILABLE ON
- 9AM Briefing | Radio Washington
- Younhwa Kang | Radio Washington
Younhwa Kang, Announcer & Anchor Programs: News 라디오 워싱턴 1310에서 소식을 전하는 기자입니다. 사람들의 목소리에 귀 기울이고, 그 이야기를 있는 그대로 전달하는 데 큰 보람을 느낍니다. 매일 방송을 통해 여러분과 소통하며, 세상에서 일어나는 다양한 사건과 이슈를 진솔하고 정확하게 전하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 오늘도 여러분과 함께 세상의 소식을 나누겠습니다.
- Love To You | Radio Washington
프로그램 소개 퇴근길, 밤이 오는 길목에 맞이하는 시간 오후 6시30분. 고즈넉하게 분위기 잡고, 삶과 사랑 그리고 추억을 통해 감미로운 음악을 음미하는 그야말로 힐링 프로그램이다. 청취자들의 고단한 하루 끝에, 세상 모든 사랑을 담아서 그대 품에 안겨 드리리... 윤태웅의 사랑을 그대 품 안에. 다시듣기 NOW AVAILABLE ON
- 1310 Show | Radio Washington
1310쇼 Lee and Shin's 1310 show is a close-up program for Koreans in Washington, where they can dig deeper into daily life, laugh, cry, and mourn together. A comprehensive show touching on many topics in life. NOW AVAILABLE ON
- 3COM World | Radio Washington
About This Program Happy Hour, a 5 p.m. show to wrap up a lazy day at home or at work. It's a world that is sweet and spicy, and sour. Radio Washington brings you a healing program that gives grace and wisdom to live in accordance with the sweet, spicy, and three-beat rhythm. NOW AVAILABLE ON